How to add Bundle Bee volume discounts to your Shopify product page

How to add Bundle Bee volume discounts to your Shopify product page

How to add Bundle Bee volume discounts to your Shopify product page

Bundle Bee is a Shopify app that allows you to create volume discounts for your products. It’s a great way to increase your average order value and encourage your customers to buy more. In this article, we’ll show you how to add Bundle Bee volume discounts to your Shopify product page.

To be able to do that, after correctly installing and creating your desired discount bundle, log in to your store, and from the left side menu click on “Online Store”, in the “Sales Channels” section. From there, click on “Themes”. And finally click on the “Customize” button as shown below.

You will be redirected to your theme editor, click on the “Homepage” menu above, and from there click on “Products”, and then “Default Product”.

You should be redirected to to your default product’s page, from there, on the left side menu, click on the “Add Block” button, and select from the “Apps” tab our Bundle Bee app.

Then drag it to your desired position, we suggest right below the “Quantity selector”.

Finally, from the right hand corner of the page, click “Save”!

You will be able to see your newly created discount bundles by going to you online store through the eye icon, and browsing to your products page.

And that’s it! You can now showcase your bee-autiful discount bundles!